Senior procurement specialist (reserve)

Уровень дохода не указан

Требуемый опыт работы: 3–6 лет

Полная занятость, полный день

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Растущий производитель золота в Казахстане. Компания стремится расширить свою деятельность с использованием технологий, которые позволят нам получить доступ к первичным рудам более высокого качества с применением обычных методов обогащения золота методом прямого цианирования CIL.


  • University degree (technical, economical, engineering)
  • 3+ years’ experience in Sourcing/Procurement
  • Strong communication and negotiation skills
  • Fluent English written and speaking as must


  • Subsoil user procurement
  • Negotiation, conclusion of imported bi-lingual contracts
  • Purchase from ThyssenKrupp, Metso:Outotec, FLSmidth, Atlas Copco (associate’s experience considered)
  • CIP/CIL gold processing plant either operational or project experience

Qualities and Skills

  • Attention to details
  • Responsibility and accuracy
  • Ability to work with large volume of information
  • Ability to take well-reasoned decisions
  • Ability to conduct negotiations with achievement of results


  • Maintain interaction with internal customers
  • Negotiations with suppliers
  • Ensuring the best deals with competitive prices
  • Preparation of contracts and management of existing contracts
  • Regular reporting

Terms of work

  • Schedule 5/2 in Astana
  • Working hours from 08:00 to 17:00
  • Regular trips to the production site (Raigorodok, Shutchinsk)

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