Contracts and Claims Settlement Manager

Уровень дохода не указан

Опыт работы: 3–6 лет

Полная занятость

График: 5/2

Рабочие часы: 8

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Duties and functions:

  • Enforcement of the RoK legislation as well as internal provisions, acts of Company (including GWS procurement field) to the extent concerning carrying-out of the legal analysis of draft contracts.
  • Provide legal support for Company employees in procedural and institutional, as well as other legal issues in the field of GWS procurement by subsoil users
  • Conducts claim administration including preparation of claims and/or lawsuits of Company against any third parties; reviews claims/ lawsuits received by the LD made against Compfny; participates or advises during state inspections.
  • Carry out analysis of the problematic issues and risks of Company, related to procurement;
  • Give advice and render legal support to the employees of other Company business units on procedural and institutional as well as other legal issues during GWS procurement
  • Prepare legal conclusions on legal issues, arising in the process of a legal analysis and contracts approval
  • Represents interests of Company in its relations with the state, judicial agencies, profit-making and nonprofit organizations, individuals and Company employees by virtue of a relevant Power of Attorney and also participates in inspections by governmental agencies with necessary support of relevant internal services and departments of Company.

General Requirements:

  • Higher legal education (Master's degree preferred);
  • At least 3 years of experience in legal sphere (experience in the field of subsurface use is welcomed);
  • Knowledge of the RK legislation in the field of GWS procurement by subsoil users, procedure for conclusion and execution of the contracts;
  • Knowledge of the civil, labor, corporate and administrative laws and other fields of law;
  • Knowledge of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, IS Paragraph
  • Intermediate level of English, Kazakh and Russian in advanced level is must.


  • Astana based position (5*2)
  • Medical insurance
  • Bonus

Доступно соискателям с инвалидностью

Ключевые навыки

  • Английский — B2 — Средне-продвинутый

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Он получит его с откликом на вакансию

Где предстоит работать

Астана, улица Гейдара Алиева, 16

Вакансия опубликована 3 марта 2025 в Астане

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